
A single dollar covers the cost of three meals.  Each seed pack only costs 25 cents to make.

As a sponsor, you help to fund the necessary meal items and shipping costs through the Global Aid Network.  Contributions are tax-deductible, and 100% of donations go to the food pack event.

Your donation of $1 will…
Provide 3 meals of nutritious rice and lentils for a refugee.

Your donation of $1 will…
Provide 4 seed packs to refugees who will learn how to grow crops.

Your donation of $10 will…
Provide 30 meals, which will feed a refugee one meal a day for an entire month.

Your donation of $50 will…
Provide 150 meals, which will allow a refugee family of five to eat a meal each day for an entire month.

Corporate Sponsors

Corporate sponsorship enquiries may be sent to

Your donation of $100 will…
Provide 300 meals of nutritious rice and lentils.  This will feed 10 refugees for an entire month.

Your donation of $500 will…
Provide 1,500 meals, which will feed 50 refugees one meal a day for an entire month.

Your donation of $1,000 will…
Provide 3,000 meals, which will allow twenty refugee families of five to eat a meal each day for an entire month.

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Calvary Church, 201 Harvest Fields Drive, Boalsburg, PA 16827